Chris’s Top 5 – People To Photograph ( Living )

Chris’s Top 5 – People To Photograph ( Living )

Here is a Top 5 list of the people I would most like to photograph. There is one stipulation, they have to be living. I also list a few reasons why I would like to photograph these awesome people. Enjoy this Top 5 list.

5 – Andrew Lincoln
If you have been following our blog you may already know that I may have a fairly large interest in the television show The Walking Dead. Andrew Lincoln plays my favorite character Rick Grimes. My slight man crush started right from day one with the shows first airing. I even noticed right away that he was in the movie Love Actually. But Keira Knightly’s character decided to stay with her husband. Bad choice if you ask me.

4 – Anne Rice
My love for reading and anything to do with vampires started with a little book written by Anne Rice. The book?…Interview with the vampire. I read the novel before the movie came out in my teens. I love both the movie and the book equally. In my opinion I feel that the book is better than the movie. Either way my love for each would not count if not for Anne Rice.

3 – Paul McCartney
In the history of music no band is more influential than The Beatles. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were a great song writing team. But since the list is for those who are living, Paul makes it. But with good cause. If I were to list my 10 favorite songs ever, Paul McCartney wrote 60% of them.

2 – Nigella Lawson
It all started with the Food Network. I would watch with my wife and then one day Nigella Lawson was on. My life changed. I found food important for some reason. Not sure if it was her English accent or cooking style but I fell in love. I could watch her toast bread all day if she made a television show about it. It’s cool, my wife knows I have a crush on her.

1- Anthony Bourdain
Before CNN you could catch Mr. Bourdain on another network with his television show No Reservations. He would travel the world and taste anything and everything. I had never seen anyone with such a passion for life and food. Then I read his book Kitchen Confiditional. Anthony Bourdain become my idol. He is so awesome it would not be fair to list how awesome he is. But if you need a reason check out this video.

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