Image Backup and Storage To Preserve Your Memories

Image Backup and Storage To Preserve Your Memories

I may not be the first to tell you this, but you should store and backup all of your photos and videos. They can be taken on your phone, iPad, digital camera or even an old school film camera. Your memories should be taken care of and kept in safe places so that these memories can be cherished and beloved later on in your life or the next generations to come. It is a little difficult to think that far ahead but it is a must to ensure your story and your family’s story can be shown and told. One can only imagine what it would feel like if you were to lose even one year of your familes memories.

There have been many cases in which people have had their devices stolen and or lost with in some cases all family history lost forever. Now before it can get to that you can backup any and all files in multiple locations. These locations can be on other devices such as a hard drive, computers, USB’s or even online cloud services. For us we use all of these plus other options, because we can never be too secure. You should work with what you are comfortable with and what works for you. We prefer both on and off computer options to get the job done and in many cases check in on our images from year to year.

We choose to use many different options simply because nothing is perfect. One can use a certain brand of hard drive and in 99.9% of the time it works, but what about that .1%? What if your daughters first steps were on that now useless hard drive? Never put all of your eggs in one basket. That only works for Easter and maybe making an omelet but never for image storage. Store and secure your memories in 2-3 different places and you should be fine. But check in on them once and awhile, particularly when you change computers. We do not mean to scare you we only want to hear of less stories of lost images and more or secure ones.


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