Top 5 Lessons Learned from the 2017 Wedding Season

Top 5 Lessons Learned from the 2017 Wedding Season

With only a few weeks left until all of the “New Year New Me” posts we have taken a look back on the 2017 wedding season. There are a few wedding dates still to capture but we have found a few points to reflect on form the past year already. No matter what age you each day brings forth new lessons. You can either learn from them or not, your choice. We thought it would be a great idea to let our 2018 brides and grooms know what we have learned from 2017 and maybe they can bring some good vibes to their wedding day.

Less Devices More Smiles

If you think having a device free wedding ceremony is a good idea this slow clap is for you. On a wedding day we get the excitement and joy, you feel the need to capture that one moment that will last forever. We completely understand. However if you feel the need to get in the way of the one person paid to do so then there may be an issue. Not with us but the bride and groom. Picture this, you are walking down the aisle and you are about to see your future husband for the first time on your wedding day. Then suddenly your aunt’s iPad is slowing inching it’s way further and further into the middle of the aisle and you miss that first glimpse. Have that aunt and every other guests put those devices away and bring them out later on. Designate a time for the less formal images you need for social media. Leave the important moments to the pros…pretty please

Size Does Not Matter

Relax, we mean bridal party size not anything else. Big or small your bridal party can be whatever number you decide it needs to be. 20 people total? not a problem. 2 happy go lucky souls, awesome. The key factor should be do they get along. It could make for an issue or 6 if their personalities do not jive with one another. We had a few awkward moments during a wedding or two in 2017 that could’ve been avoided. Schedule a few get together’s with your bridal party, that should do the trick.

First Looks Are Awesome

In 2017 we had the pleasure of photographing 3 different first looks. Each one a little different from the next but all fun, sweet and intimate. For those less traditional it is an exciting way of releasing that nervous wedding day energy. One minute not knowing what to expect the next happy, happy joy, joy. Of course if you do not like surprises this may not be your cup of tea. But we do catch all of the honest reactions and those are priceless.

The Devil Is In The Details

All weddings are unique in their own little and sometimes large ways. But it’s the little things we remember. It could be mini Nutella bottle giveaways at your receiving line. Cake pops that make your moth water. Late night Tiny Tom Donuts. These little things make for large impressions. Mostly because they are yummy but also because…never mind they are just awesome and yummy. These little details make for smiles and conversation that in many cases last months and even years. 2017 was filled with many smiles and conversations in that regard.

Make Prints

This is a public service announcement…PRINT YOUR IMAGES. We stopped counting when people would say I lost all of my (insert important event here) pictures after I lost my card, laptop, iPad, phone and or whatever else you store your images. Ask your parents or even your grandparents where they stored their images. That’s right on the wall, in an album or in frames on that night table you stole candies from. You never heard them every say I lost all of my 44th birthday party photos after I lost my 32gb card. Understand that images are important and we need to display them individually on the wall or an album and not on a slideshow. Your history is in those images on your cell phone right now, if you lose them they are gone. Start by backing them up, then graduate to printing them.


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