Unique Wedding Photo Locations

Unique Wedding Photo Locations

Here are our top 5 unique wedding photo locations. Now we admit that these are not the most secretive places but they are the most unique wedding photo locations that we have shot at or will be shooting at in the near future. We hope that this top 5 list is very helpful to you.

1 – Proposal Spot

This one has gotten a lot of mileage in the past few years. It used to be that this was not a very unique wedding photo location at all. But things have changed to include very intimate and in many cases far off locations. In the past few weeks we have met with many couples that have gotten engaged in New York, Paris and Cuba. A very unique wedding photo location is all the more special when you were engaged there as well.

2 – Favorite Date

When a couple is dating they can find themselves at their favorite date location so often that it can feel as comfortable as their own home. It can be a no brainer for those who find it a little uncomfortable to have their picture taken. Some of our best images came from a couples favorite window seat at their favorite restaurant.

3 – First Meeting

If you first met at school in grade 4 it may seem a little weird but that can say so much more about your relationship than a random park, unless you met at a random park in which case there’s nothing wrong with that too. After all we want to tell your story and every story needs a beginning.

4 – Your Friends Place

If your friend has a rather large backyard and it backs out onto a ravine , you are in luck. Complete privacy for you and your awesome bridal party. You will have a laid back feel to your unique wedding photo location while you are in your friends backyard.

5 – Anywhere

Some of the all time great unique wedding photo locations come right from your own head. Trust yourself, if it feels right just do it. You will be so glad that you did. If we never listened to our clients we would never have shot in an abandoned building, old farm house or cold storage warehouse. Imagination leads to very unique wedding photo locations.

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