Our Wedding Reception Approach

Our Wedding Reception Approach

A wedding reception is meant to be shared with your guests. You do not need to be pulled away time after time to have a photograph taken. Enjoy yourself, it’s your wedding day. We have developed ways in which we can guarantee a wedding reception that will always have a bride and groom celebrating with their guests. It is not rocket science but we feel strongly that it is one of our secrets to success.

A very key point to a wedding is having family photographs with your loved ones. This will never change, however we fell that if you have a designated time for them you should always have time for the party afterwards. All you need to do is set aside 10-30 minutes prior to your reception to have family photos taken. No matter how many people there are this should be enough time. It will save you hours of stress on your wedding day. It also guarantees you will be on the dance floor for the Macarena.

Another very important series of images are those of the decor. These are taken before the doors open while the bride and groom are freshen up. The room is empty and is the nicest it will look all night. These are in some ways the most important images to the bride and groom as they may not see the entire room decorated before they enter it. We also make it a point to have all of the candles lit.

The wedding cake photos are a classic tradition that needs to have a time slot all it’s own. If you choose to do these during dinner that awesome. We however love to photograph this first, before anything else. Right after we arrive from the photographing on location and after the bride and groom freshen up. This is what we found to be the best time for it and it has worked this way since the early 90’s.

These few points will give you an entire evening of celebrations. One that will allow you to talk, dance, and make memories for years to come. We have never enjoyed pulling a bride and groom off the dance floor to take a photograph. If they were to ask us that’s something completely different. But we will not get in the way of their wedding celebrations.

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