The Most Important Part Of The Wedding Day

The most important part of the wedding day you should be focusing on

It may come as a surprise to you but a wedding day can be a whirlwind of emotion. It is enough to make anyone loose focus at any given moment and who could blame you. You have been planning for this one day for months maybe even years. There is one part of the day that should have your undivided attention. It may go without saying but the wedding ceremony itself is the most important part of your wedding day and you should be focused during it. No matter where the ceremony is held you should cherish, respect and honor it.

There are a few tricks that you can implement in order to maintain a high level of focus. One is to allow only those whom you have hired to be the only ones documenting the event. Every guest can be kindly asked to participate in a unplugged wedding ceremony. We have seen it happen and it allows the ceremony be as intimate as possible no matter how large the group is. In this day and age this may be difficult as we all (myself included) have our phones attached to us at all times but it can work. This also allows for the bride and groom to not be distracted by that random relative asking for you to “look here” during your vows.

The couple exchanging their vows should only be focused on each other. No matter what happens eye contact should be between the happy couple at all times. After all there should be no one else in the world on your mind. This can be an obvious one but you would be surprised with how many get distracted by the littlest things and loose that focus. Many things are going through your mind and that goes without saying but just look at the other person by your side and stay calm, they are not going anywhere. You can trust that if you follow these small tips you will pass the focus test with flying colors on your wedding day.


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